Friday, April 05, 2002

Threat grows of second front in Lebanon

The Israeli army and the Lebanese-based guerrilla group Hizbullah exchanged fire yesterday as Israeli-Arab relations deteriorated significantly amid fears that a second front could be opened in the Middle East conflict.
The Syrian president, Bashar Assad, yesterday announced the redeployment of 20,000 Syrian troops in Lebanon. British Foreign Office sources said the move could be interpreted either as a sign that Mr Assad was anxious to avoid conflict or, more ominously, that it was contingency planning.

Israel launched air strikes against Syrian military positions twice last year in retaliation for Hizbullah attacks. Syria is one of the main sponsors of Hizbullah.

Witnesses said more than 100 trucks full of Syrian soldiers began moving into Lebanon's Bekaa valley near the Syrian border from positions further west. The operation is expected to be completed within a week.

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