Saturday, April 06, 2002

"The Peace Initiative in Turkey has called for the cancellation of the tank upgrading agreement

The appeal of the Peace Initiative :

While there is still time...

Israel is murdering the Palestinian people right before the eyes of the whole world, led down the war path by the United States of America, who started to bomb Afganistan to eradicate terrorism. Since the 11th of September, the most basic human rights and the tenets of international law are being trodden upon, while the aggressors seem to need no other justification than that “might makes right.” We, members of the Peace Initiative who have come together saying that we “refuse to bow down to the might of terror and the terror of might,” call upon everyone to raise their voices in support of the Palestinian people, whose country and whose very existence are threatened with annihilation, and of the peace forces in Israel, who continue to struggle under extremely adverse conditions.

As the first concrete act of solidarity, we call for the anullment of the tank upgrading agreement, signed by the Turkish Government with Israel, in the heat of this conflict. We believe that such measures also undertaken by other parties, could perhaps provide an indication of the concern felt for Palestine and a deterrant for further acts of violence.

Let us rally public opinion to put pressure on the governments of the United States, and of Turkey, as one of the most powerful nations in the region, as well as those of other countries, to oppose Israel’s unbridled aggression; to halt all military aid and support to Israel; to call upon the United Nations to intervene in the region, and to lift the occupation as a precondition to peace.

Now the whole world is Palestine and we are all Palestinians.

Let us raise our voices in a world which day by day surrenders to the terror of power and the powerful, before the bombs start dropping on our heads; before we are executed against a wall or perish by the bullets of sharpshooters, or terrified, in a city under siege; before the hope for peace or for a humane future is completely extinguished.

The Peace Initiative of Turkey

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