Friday, October 15, 2004

So I got out of bed early today, hobbled off down to

the bus stop with my computer on my back and turned to
watch for the buses. And there off to my right was
the cutest little asian chick I've seen all year. She
was tight, tight, tight, wearing this little metallic
burnt red quilted jacket and tight black spandex pants
on clear plastic clogs, with burnt orange hair done up
in a 'dorothy hamill' bob. I watched her for a bit
and she was kind of waving her hands from side to side
and up and down as if she was gesturing to someone.
Every now and then she would glance down at a sheet of
paper to study it, then go back to the gesturing, and
that's when I figured out she was working on some kind
of dance choreography moves. Of course I had to check
it out. . .
So I walked over to the bus sign and asked her if
the "70" had come by yet, expecting snotty attitude.
She smiled this sweet little innocent smile at me
through those kitten-like eyes, squinted up her nose
and said "70, hmmmm, let me think. . . ." "Oh, that
comes by in about five minutes."
She had this accent, so she's definitly from across
the pond and her open manner indicates not to many
guys from here have had a chance to show her the real
world yet.
I went back to waiting for the bus, watching her go
through her little arm waves and hip thrusts until the
bus came. I sat down opposite her and watched her out
of the corner of my eye as she went through some more
'practice'. My, she does have the moves. . .
As the bus stopped it emptied of just about
everyone, except me and her, and I looked across at
her briefly and got a big smile back. At the next
stop she tottered off on her clogs and I got off at
the next stop.
I'm going to be getting up earlier more often from
now on.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Well, last night was the final presidential debate and towards the end it was like watching two guys give each other verbal felattio. Disgusting. Kerry should have whipped out a meat cleaver and just gone at it. Would have made a nice ending, something like 'Caligula'.

Here at Trabant Chai Lounge today, I really like it here, the net connection is like a cool mountain stream, strong, hi-speed, pure . . . I feel like I could download an elephant through this thing.

The weather is a little cooler today, overcast and here I am in my M.I.T. t-shirt, freezing my nips off. WTF? I just checked 'intellicast' and they're saying 'sunny and warm'. Sunny and warm my cold frigid nipples . . . *poink*

It's towards the end of the week now and still no info from my interview with Safeco, although I imagine that if they've done any kind of 'background check' like they say is mandatory I know why. What about a 'background check' for former employers to find out if they're credible? What about *that*? Such rank hypocrisy in the world of employment today. Inexcusable.

I sold my Isuzu on Monday for a friggin' small amount of money, but at least now I can pay rent next month, get a bus pass and pick up important things like laundry soap, bath soap, shaving cream, razor blades and other neccesities not paid for with food stamps. Party in the streets.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Americans Use to Fight Against Tyranny Posted by Hello
Monday, Monday.
No job, running out of money, depression setting in heavier and heavier . . . What a friggin' bitch.
And now evidence that global warming may be accelerating. Good
. Take out the thankless, arrogant many so that others may live.

I think this country needs a good, hard jolt to wake this country up and keep it waken up. Something where people have no choice but to focus on the immediate task at hand which is: help one another out. Don't be so friggin' greedy or irresponsible. Money doesn't buy everything that you need.

This is such a nihilistic society that it will need the kind of jolt that this would produce. A forty days and forty nights kind of catastrophe, where substantial propertly loss and loss of life occurs, where road systems are unusable, where money doesn't matter any more.
Today I talk to my lawyer about Ford Credit. And paying a tithe to my corporate overlord, my true master, for I am but a slave. There is no hope, there is no hope.
Funny, but I thought America used to be against Tyranny.
In addition to that, I've just about had it with managing a house where no one does anything to keep the place up. All the griping, all the bitching, all the b.s.
Too much crap today. Time to bring this to a close.