Tuesday, April 09, 2002

This morning, Israeli forces entered Dora, southwest Hebron, and shelled residential buildings in the vill

Despite Israeli claims that Israeli forces have withdrewn from Qalqiliya
and Tulkarem, Israeli forces continue to besiege the two Palestinian
cities. This morning, Israeli forces entered Dora, southwest Hebron, and
shelled residential buildings in the village. Israeli forces shot and
injured Na'ef Ahmad (35) and Aref Ahmad (32) at 6 o'clock in the morning.
Israeli forces banned ambulances from evacuating the bodies. The two were
left to bleed to death for five hours, until 11 o'clock in the morning.
Israeli forces shot and killed Abdel Qader Doudeen (25) while he was
walking in front of the Municipality of Dura.

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