Saturday, April 13, 2002

Is "The Bulldozer" a man of peace as he says?

Nicknamed “The Bulldozer,” Israel's prime minister is a soldier-politician whose career has been dogged by persistent accusations of war crimes.
But what kind of man is Secretary of State Colin Powell trying to persuade to make peace with the Palestinians?
At 74, Sharon may be the last Israeli leader who fought for the Haganah, politely described as part of the “underground” that helped create the Jewish state in 1948.
Often overlooked is that the Haganah and its offshoots, Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang, were once considered terrorist organizations that bombed Arab bus stops, attacked Arab villages and killed quite a few Britons in fighting to end the British Mandate of Palestine.
It should also be noted that two other former prime ministers of Israel, Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, were leaders of the Irgun and the Stern Gang respectively. Among the atrocities these groups were responsible for was bombing the King David Hotel and massacring 250 Arab villagers in Deir Yassin.
So it can safely be said that some of Israel's earliest patriots were no different from the Palestinians they call terrorists today.

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