Saturday, October 02, 2004

Blogging on the run this morning, I'm at a net cafe and I forgot to bring my power cord and my laptop says just 32% power. . . Can barely afford a small coffee . . . I guess it's better than paying forty or more a month for cable or DSL . . .

Wi-Fi at the house is a bit of a bitch, low signals from everywhere, only a couple of networks that are open, and very much dependent on the weather.

I've found that the early morning and evening hours are best for accessing the internet there, and I believe it's dependent on the air temperature. Warm air means thicker air that impedes radio signals, cold air means less air density and better signal, so going into winter now we should be getting better signal. We'll have to wait and see. Cloudy days are also problematic, air inversions, turbulence all messin' wit mah signal. Bitch.

Up until a few weeks ago I was using a wi-fi router at the house connected to a housemates cable modem, but he hasn't paid the bill in awhile so they shut the service off and now I'm wondering if he's getting ready to cut out on rent too. . .

Yesterday, in the frustration and anxiety of walking around downstairs trying to find a decent wi-fi connection I took the laptop around to all the downstairs windows, hanging the laptop off the back of the couch seemed to do something, having it at right angles on the kitchen table had some effect, but ultimatly still very spotty, very much a hit and miss thing. One moment the signal will barely be there, the next gone, gone, gone.

After futzing with that for awhile I took the laptop outside and walked west along the sidewalk, refreshing the wi-fi utility to see if there were any changes. I found out that 'default', the connection I depend on most is about a block away, as the crow flies. So, because my broken-down vehicle was parked right at that spot, I sat in the passenger seat and checked e-mails and posted for jobs. Maybe I can get small table in there to hold the laptop better. . .

Moving up and down the street though, everyone's got their wi-fi locked up, which is a good thing I suppose, but damn, give a brother a data pipe for chrisake ! ! !

Battery is down to 25% . . . Fly, magic fingers, fly ! ! !

Today I'm going to walk around Capitol Hill, it's free and I get to look at some great architecture. I bring my camera along to take pics of all the houses I see and whatever comes along like the odd housecat or two. Loves the kitties . . .

Well, time to post this, check the news (blechh) and get out on the road.

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