Friday, April 12, 2002

Mr. Powell: You Are Not Welcome

Yet you backed his "war on terror" anyway, you let him loose in the refugee camps, killing innocents, robbing shops, burning commercial centers like the barbarian he and his army are.

By Ramzy Baroud, Editor-In-Chief

Arab are well known for their generosity. They receive their guests with open arms, go out of their way to serve them, and to make sure that their guests know that they are welcomed. It’s a well known Arab tradition that when a stranger needs a place to stay, an Arab is compelled to host him for three days before the guest is asked even about his name. But while Arabs might be the lords of generosity, they are not stupid. So, I offer my sincere apologies for breaking this great tradition: Mr. Colin Powell, I hate to say it, but you are not welcome.

You are not welcome, because you came to dance on our wounds, you waited until we bled to death, and you waited until our President was humiliated, you came to tell us to end violence against Israel while we barely got the chance to dig the mass graves in which Israel buried our best men and women.

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