Friday, March 15, 2002

The Phantom Liberal Media

Don't look now, but that bane of the conservative's existence, the phantom liberal media, is back.

Back from the dead. Again.

Not bad, for something that doesn't even exist.

The trick here is to put this as delicately as possible, lest one be considered part of that dreaded liberal media. So, here goes. The notion of a liberal media, is, well, how to say it ...

A complete crock, of colossal proportions.


Are there liberals in the media? Oh, yeah.

More liberals than conservatives? Hmm. Sounds about right.

But the liberal media? Sorry. No such thing.

Doctors operate on patients they don't like. Sportscasters report on teams they don't root for. And journalists write about people and causes they don't vote for.

Do some reporters and editors -- bad ones, mind you -- slant stories toward their left leanings? Sure. And others -- still bad ones -- overcompensate for the fear of being accused of being a liberal and lean the other direction, sacrificing good journalism in the process.

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