Tuesday, March 12, 2002

'In a War of Attrition One Cannot Blink'
Israeli Troops Invade Refugee Camp; Arrest Palestinian Boys, Men

DEHEISHE REFUGEE CAMP, West Bank, March 11 – Under a blazing sun and the suspicious gaze of flak-jacketed Israeli troops, the Palestinian boys and men of Deheishe refugee camp shuffled forward, five at a time, their hands laced behind their heads.

It was past noon today, but all of them had been awake at least since midnight, when Israeli troops, backed by machine gun fire from tanks and Apache helicopter gunships, stormed into the camp of 8,000, the green lasers of their weapons darting as in a sound and light show and the boom of their stun grenades shaking walls and windows.

Thunderous, terrifying and virtually uncontested, the invasion of Deheishe, just south of the biblical town of Bethlehem, was over in half an hour. When morning came, the Israelis ordered every male aged 14 to 45 to come out of their homes with their hands over the heads.

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