Tuesday, March 12, 2002

The O'Reilly Obligation: You'd Better Go On His Show, Or Else ...

Conservative Bill O'Reilly is full of himself.

He's full of himself because he won an award, one he erroneously claimed was an "Emmy" (it was a Polk), for his "investigative" work on the tabloid-ish "Inside Edition."

He's full of himself because he gets higher primetime ratings than CNN, which he gleefully states periodically, along with his obligatory "they're biased, we're not" comment.

He's full of himself because he thinks his show is an obligation, not a choice. And if you don't go on his show, well, you'd better be prepared to face the consequences.

In a parody aired last week on "Saturday Night Live," Bill O'Reilly, played by Jeff Richards, questions Barry Bonds' single-season homerun record, commenting, "We keep trying to have him on but HE KEEPS DUCKING US!" Strange, but satire doesn't seem far from the truth.

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