Tuesday, March 12, 2002

The doomsday regime
The Bush administration is hurtling us toward Armageddon

Since nothing else the Bush Administration does seems to be inspiring hundreds of thousands of people to pour into the streets of every major city in anger, perhaps this will: the news this past weekend, as reported by Paul Richter of the Los Angeles Times, that George W. Bush is planning to destroy the world.
They didn't phrase it that way, of course. And it isn't exactly a one-step process, though it's a hell of a lot fewer steps than anyone has a right to concoct.

But that's the net effect of the plans, outlined in a report obtained by the L.A. Times, given to Congress on January 8. The report directs the Pentagon to draw up plans to wage nuclear war against China, Russia, Iraq, North Korea, Syria, Iran, and/or Libya.

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