Monday, September 23, 2002

Going to war over oil fields

ISN'T IT SCARY that we're only a few days away from invading Iraq? And isn't it just as frightening that the reason we're going to war is because of oil, which George Bush fronts as national security.

Our lunatic president can say all he wants about Saddam Hussein ignoring United Nations-imposed rules. And he can rant and rave about Saddam being a madman, capable of waging chemical warfare or even nuclear warfare. The truth is that big business, and W's buddies in the oil business, are behind the push to invade Iraq.

None of our intelligence agencies can say for sure that Saddam has the capability to deploy any type of weapon of mass destruction. Sure, he might have deadly chemicals, and he might be in the process of gathering material for a nuclear weapon.

But when it comes to deploying them, even our own intelligence agencies admit that Hussein has no such capabilities.

What's that line from Cervantes' "Don Quioxite"? The proof is in the pudding, and so far there's no pudding and no proof.

And so we'll sacrifice young men and women so oil companies will have a direct pipeline to the second-largest oil reserves in the world.

Don't believe it? Why is Russia no longer verbalizing opposition to a war in Iraq? And why are the French quietly rethinking their stance?

Russia, which has an oil agreement with Iraq, doesn't want to be left out of the loop on oil, so it has quietly cooked up a deal with the United States on dividing the oil reserves. And France is the same way.

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