Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Scary Question On Fox News Poll


Was reading through Fox News website (gotta keep track of what they're up to) and went through a poll they had posted as of 6-6. Mostly the usual spin, Bush is God, etc. (gag) and then I came upon the following qustion:

Residents of the United States must pass a test to obtain a driver's license before being allowed to drive a motor vehicle. Do you think residents should also be required to pass a test before being allowed to:

23. Buy a gun? Yes 77% No 18 NS 5
24. Become a parent? Yes 37% No 54 NS 9
25. Register to vote? Yes 47% No 48 NS 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Well, the first thing that jumped out at me was that we, the people, were now being referred to as "residents," not citizens. There was no mention of aliens, legal or otherwise, or foreign visitors, but "residents," which could only mean you and I. (Perhaps we must prove our citizenship before the regime before we are recognized?)

Then question 25. Should "residents" be required to pass a "test" before being allowed to vote?


Pass a test before we are "allowed" to vote???!!!


To VOTE???!!!

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