Thursday, June 13, 2002

Dirty bomber poses awkward questions for US

THERE are at least three troubling points about the sudden appearance of the “dirty bomber”, the latest “villain” on a stage rather short of prime suspects.
Yes, most obviously, the timing is politically inspired, beyond dispute. The Bush Administration announced on Monday that authorities had arrested Abdullah al-Mujahir, that he was a terrorist threat and that he had been planning to build a “dirty” bomb to spread radioactive contamination. Then it emerged that he had, in fact, been in custody since May 8.

Could the timing be related to the White House’s nervous bid to drum up support for its messy and controversial new Department of Homeland Security? Tom Daschle, leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, revealed why he will never have the drama of delivery to make a plausible presidential candidate, offering only that “I have questions about why it was announced (on Monday), but I am certainly confident that the Administration would not politicise this issue”.

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