Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Ridge: Bush should veto Cabinet-level homeland security office

Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge said Thursday he would advise President Bush to veto any legislation creating a congressionally authorized Office of Homeland Security if Congress approves a bill this year.

"I'd probably recommend he veto it," Ridge told a National Journal Group editorial board meeting. In the past, Ridge has asked Congress to hold off on the legislation.

Today's comments were the first time Ridge has said he would recommend a presidential veto. Ridge said presidents should be "entitled to a few advisers" who owe their loyalty solely to the president.

"I believe that the president and future presidents always would be well served having an adviser coordinating the actions among [the] multiple agencies" charged with protecting homeland security. "I don't think you get that if you are accountable to Congress," Ridge said.

While the Homeland Security director should be "accountable" to the president, he or she should be "accessible" to Congress, he said. Ridge said he has visited Capitol Hill 50 times since Sept. 11 to brief legislators on the Bush administration's efforts to head off future terrorist attacks.

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