Wednesday, April 17, 2002

''To the U.S. ambassador: A letter of protest and condemnation''

Here is our list of 10 condemnations:

1 - We condemn President Bush’s speech on Thursday. Leaders of great and powerful nations like America should be magnanimous and generous, not cruel and vindictive. Blaming an isolated Arafat and a desperate 18-year-old Palestinian girl for the violence and Israeli atrocities in the West Bank is not just simplistic, it is evil. It is an incitement and a license to kill anyone who dares to speak out against the Israeli tyrants that America sponsors and funds. We will, therefore, hold President Bush personally responsible for the inevitable murder of Arafat and for the point-blank executions of innocent Palestinian teenagers now trapped in the closed military zones of Ramallah and Bethlehem.

2 - We condemn President Bush’s speech because it is written with the intent to sow discord and distrust among Palestinians and Arabs. According to his logic, if we the Arabs want a “peaceful” Palestinian state then we must kill Arafat, kill our resistance movements, kill our peace activists, kill our anti-occupation activists, kill anyone who dares to oppose Israel and America, kill anyone who says NO, and especially kill the warriors of Hamas and Jihad. Only then, Bush tells us, will he and his Israeli aggressors allow the original inhabitants of Palestine to regain what is rightfully theirs.

3 - We condemn the fact that a notorious war criminal like Sharon is welcomed with open arms and accorded red-carpet treatment at the White House, while Yasser Arafat, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, is shunned and abhorred. When the Jews first came to Palestine from the ghettos of the world, these bands of armed settlers formed terrorist organizations like the Haganah that maimed, killed and bombed the original inhabitants into fleeing their land. Sharon, Barak and other leading figures in Israel were and still are, members of this coalition of terror. Why is America rewarding them for their evil? Why are they not branded as enemies of the state? Why are their names and photos not listed on the FBI’s most wanted list? Or is this infamous list meant only for Arabs?

4 - We condemn President Bush’s belated verbal call on Israel to withdraw from the West Bank cities of Palestine. His half-hearted appeal rings hollow as long as he continues to supply Sharon with the weapons now being used on the streets of the West Bank, and billions of dollars in aid and continued moral support.

5 - We condemn President Bush’s racist call to Arafat “to do more to curb terrorism,” while all the time praising the barbaric actions of Sharon, a remorseless sponsor of the Sabra and Shatila massacres.

6 - We condemn President Bush’s personal support for Sharon’s genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians and his terrorizing of inhabitants into fleeing.

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