Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Today we walked through the streets and we were finding feet">

At 7:30 tonight, about 2 hours ago, the Israeli military attempted to break into the Church of the Nativity. I got a phone call from a friend in Beit Jala who said she had just received a call from a friend inside the church. It seems this attempt lasted about half an hour. This attempt was going on as I was talking to [my friend], and we had a conversation later, when she had found out that this had happened. When we were talking the first time, [before we knew what had happened], my friend was saying: "My gosh there has to be something going on over there! There is tons of shooting. There are a lot of explosions. Something is happening." Sure enough, the Israeli military was indeed at that moment attempting to break into the Church of the Nativity by climbing over a wall on the Armenian side of the church. Now, the guys inside the church who have guns--which is not everyone--offered heavy resistance and forced the soldiers back out. I don't know of any casualties or injuries. The report from inside the Church didn't comment on that.

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