Well, here I am, no job, no benefits, money running out, jamaicans down below in the basement barking like animals and I don't know where I'm going with this. Let's see. . .
So last night I went to the food bank, first time for me, food bank virgin and all that. I went with my buddy Dan, a housemate who thinks of individualism while sucking up to mommy every month for rent money. How many republicans have you heard this same story from? "Oh yeah, I'm a rugged individualist, but mummy and daddy put me through college, and every time I have a financial fuckup I know I can always go crawling back to them. It's because I'm an individualist, I don't need anyone, I depend on myself. Fuck the poor. Fuck the disadvantaged. Fuck them all."
Yeah right, you fucking hypocrit son of a bitch. Fuck you all the way to hell. Which is where all republicans eventually end up. And they do. They know as much about God as devout muslims do about eating pork.
It's raining outside, the rush of the rain on the roof, the rush of cars rocketing by on the express lanes a hundred feet away from the window.
Funds fading fast and no hope on the horizon. No hope. Will I be out on the street in a months time? Will my cats be starving? Will their litterbox be clean?
Rugged individulists. Wanking hypocrits.
I think that at this point in world history the United States of America is the most hypocritical first world nation on the face of the earth. Certainly one of the most hypocritical regardless of first, second or third world status. Instead of trying to alleviate the world's pain, we do what we can to add to it. Then we sit back and demand another Big Mac. And could you supersize those fries? I need more cholestorel to help me into an earlier grave just so I can avoid facing up to the fact that my nation causes so much harm and pain and suffering to all others. It's not my fault. I voted democrat. Now it doesn't matter, black box voting takes care of that for me. Vote democrat? It changes it to the appropriate response: always republican. Always republican. Only a commie or a taliban would vote otherwise. Fucking Liberals. Always ruining the fun. Always insisting I have a 'conscience'. As if my family, father raping my mother, raping my sisters, fucking with my mind would say otherwise. Go U.S.A. ! ! ! Go U.S.A. ! ! ! Wave the flag. Ignore what's going on under the bleachers. It's a family thing. We shouldn't get involved. It's none of *our* business. Move along, nothing to see here. Hmmm, wonder what's on TV tonite? Much better than calling up my friends. Hmmmpphhhh. Friends. Time for another beer. Dull the pain. Dive into oblivion. Suck it down. Suck it up. Be a man. Semper Fi ! ! !
I'm reading the Polyponessian War now, the story of a war that lasted thirty years and led to the downfall of Greece. The dominant thought as I read it? Two thousand years later we still haven't learned that arrogant loudmouths will still be the downfall of us all. Shun the loudmouths. Shut them out. Deny them your company and turn them away. For the good of civilization it's the best thing to do. For the good of all it's the best thing to do. Put down the mad dog. Remember, united we stand, divided we fall. Don't let the sociopaths decide the destiny of all. Shut down Congress. Shut down the Senate. Shut down the White House. Shut down the prisons, the judiciary, the lawyers, the lobbyists. For the good of all. For the good of civilization. Why? They fear civilization. They fear knowledge. They fear democracy. They fear rights for all versus for just a priveleged few. Shut them down. Put them into the McDonald's jobs where they belong. Make them scrub toilets. Teach them some true humility. Make them respect us. Make them respect all.
United we stand, divided we fall. Do not let them divide us. Do not let them divide you against those you need or those who need you.
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