Wednesday, May 29, 2002

Israelis are right to fear the truth

A US-WIDE campaign by several pro-Israeli groups in the United States has produced what the ombudsman for National Public Radio described as unprecedented pressure to influence American media coverage of events in the Middle East. This might come as a shock to Arab audiences who have repeatedly seen their causes unfairly covered by many American media organisations. But these pro-Israeli lobbies believe the majority of US news organisations nurture a pro-Palestinian bias. The campaign aims at altering media coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict through various techniques ranging from boycotting newspapers to sending protest letters and e-mails.
Pro-Israeli pressure groups have accused the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle and the Chicago Tribune, among others, of unfair reporting that favours Arabs.

“Is it possible that so many major American news organisations are getting this story wrong — that some sort of national media conspiracy is at work here?” asked the Washington Post ombudsman in an article. “That, of course, is not the case,” he said.

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