Friday, May 24, 2002

Daschle Slams White House

Under fire from Republicans for questioning the administration's handling of pre-Sept. 11 intelligence data, Senate Majority Leader Thomas Daschle (D-S.D.) yesterday accused the White House of hoarding information and vowed to pursue an independent inquiry to investigate the matter.
"There is an increasing pattern that I find in this administration that reflects an unwillingness to share information not only with us but within their own administration," Daschle said during the question-and-answer period after delivering a speech to mark the first anniversary of Democrats seizing the Senate majority.

The Majority Leader took shots at the FBI and CIA for failing to share information, singling out Attorney General John Ashcroft and FBIDirector Robert Mueller for criticism for withholding information from Bush following the attacks.

"One department not telling the other," Daschle said. "People in positions of responsibility not telling the President. I think we have got to ensure that we address that issue and I must say we are going to respect secrecy."

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