Tuesday, April 23, 2002

Right puts pressure on Bush to support Sharon

THE BUSH Administration, already struggling to mediate an end to hostilities between Israel and the Palestinians, came under renewed pressure yesterday to soften its criticism of Ariel Sharon and even consider boosting military assistance to the Israelis.
While the Israeli Prime Minister faced a barrage of international protest for his military offensive in the West Bank, in Washington the talk yesterday was restricted to how the US could help him.

The pro-Israeli sentiment was expressed at the annual conference of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, the main Jewish lobby group and one of the the most powerful forces in American politics.

Senior Republicans, including members of the Administration, and leading congressmen from both parties have pledged unwavering support for Israel. The public declarations could limit Mr Bush’s room for manoeuvre, particularly since some of the most strident pro-Israeli voices are coming from the right wing of his own Republican party.

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