Thursday, April 25, 2002

Israeli Army Launches Hebron Assault

HEBRON, West Bank: Israeli troops have entered Hebron, the one major Palestinian town Israel has not occupied during its West Bank offensive. Witnesses say troops appear to be searching for activists, not launching a full-scale invasion.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian group Hamas is calling on children not to attack illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

In a statement, Hamas says the loss of too many children in such attacks would hurt the future of the Palestinian people.

In Gaza Wednesday, Israeli soldiers killed three armed Palestinian boys who were trying to enter a Jewish settlement. The 13- and 14-year-old classmates left behind notes indicating they knew their action would be fatal.

In Bethlehem Wednesday, shooting broke out at the Church of the Nativity as Israeli and Palestinian officials began more talks aimed at ending the stand-off at the Christian shrine.

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