Thursday, February 21, 2002

BUSH'S VIETNAM: An Afghan Quagmire Begins

NEW YORK-I knew that the United States was in big trouble back in November, when I spent three weeks in Afghanistan. Despite the Niagara-sized deluge of propaganda assuring Americans that thousands of indiscriminately-dropped bombs would keep them safe from terrorism, the bloodbath I witnessed told me otherwise.
And things have gotten worse since.

The Line of Fire: Enron reporters duck as the rich revolt

Let none of the brave reporters here in town following Enron ever think themselves accurs'd or hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks who covers Kandahar.
While those Afghan war scribes are facing trigger-happy nomads in a lawless land, in Houston journalists are ducking from eggs tossed by the city's elite. Literally.

Rivals Battled Enron In Energy Lobbying: Firm Thwarted in Key Business Moves

Just weeks after Enron Corp. Chairman Kenneth L. Lay wrote checks for $175,000 to the Republican Party in April 2000, executives and lobbyists from one of his arch rivals hosted a fundraiser in Alabama for Sen. Frank H. Murkowski (R-Alaska), then chairman of the Senate Energy Committee

Rampage prompts United to toughen 93 cockpit doors

United Airlines said Tuesday that it is adding reinforcement to the cockpit doors on 93 of its aircraft as a result of a passenger's rampage earlier this month.

Ignorance at Enron: 'I dunno,' says the Fourth Monkey

YOU KNOW those three monkeys -- Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil. The Enron saga has introduced a fourth simian: Understand No Evil. This is one clever little ape.
The Fourth Monkey doesn't cover his ears, eyes or mouth. Rather he just points to his head and rolls his eyes. He's got a great excuse. Even though he hears about prepaid swaps, sees them used as financing tools and talks about them, he doesn't really "get" it how they were used to fool Enron's stockholders.

The Independent Budget: A Budget for Veterans by Veterans; Budget Plan a 'Bitter Pill' for Veterans

WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 /U.S. Newswire/ -- What is being touted as "an historic increase in spending for veterans health" care is in reality an attempt to sugar coat a bitter pill the Bush administration wants sick and disabled veterans to swallow, major veterans groups warn

Paper Says Faith-Based Housing Program Breaks Rules

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Washington showcase of the Bush administration's faith-based initiative that was supposed to renovate properties worth $14 million has been violating federal rules and failing to deliver on its promise, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

Thousands in Seoul Protest Bush's Visit

SEOUL, Feb. 20 -- As President Bush stood today at the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone dividing North and South Korea and decried "despotism" on the northern side , thousands of South Koreans -- some carrying placards depicting Bush with demonic horns and bloody fangs, others chanting "Bush Go Home! Bush Go Home!" -- flooded the parks and boulevards of downtown Seoul.

Former Employee Says Enron Manipulated California Power Market

For more than a year, California Gov. Gray Davis and other state officials have alleged that energy companies, including Enron (ENRNQ), manipulated the price of electricity and natural gas in the state by withholding supplies to create an artificial shortage and gouging utilities by charging prices for power that were 10 times higher compared with previous years.

Bush administration to California: Drop dead!

During the recession of the early 1990s, California Gov. Pete Wilson relentlessly attacked President Clinton's administration for failing to pay its share of the state's costs for services to illegal immigrants. Eventually, he succeeded in getting Congress and the White House to pass SCAAP, the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, which last year provided California $237 million to help pay for some 25,000 illegal aliens in California's prisons. That's 42 percent of the entire SCAAP program.

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