Thursday, February 21, 2002

Afghans Live and Die With U.S. Mistakes/Villagers Tell of Over 100 Casualties

CHOWKOR KARIZ, Afghanistan, Feb. 19 -- The Americans came back to this dead village last month, bearing words of contrition and a fragment of rubble from the World Trade Center in New York -- another place, they told survivors, where innocent people died.

Israeli Cabinet Backs Greater Use of Death Squads

Plans by Israel's Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, to use yet more military force in the occupied Palestinian territories were yesterday approved by his security cabinet as the violence in the Middle East conflict accelerated still further.
Mr Sharon won support for what he called a "new outline on the war on terror", as Israeli armed forces retaliated after the most deadly attack on its soldiers since the intifada began.
As the region grew steadily more nervous about the backwash from the worsening conflict, Mr Sharon – who is under pressure from Israel's hard right to invade the West Bank and Gaza – told his cabinet that he was opposed to dragging Israel into a fully-fledged war.

Italian police say they have arrested four Moroccans who were planning a chemical attack in Rome, targeting buildings which included the United States embassy.

US troops fan out across Philippine rebel stronghold

US Special Forces troops fanned out across a southern Philippine stronghold of Muslim guerillas after an ambush a day earlier which left two Filipino soldiers wounded.

Civil War Preys on Civilians

PURACE, Colombia -- When the rebels left a few hours later, several buildings were in ruins. Two police officers had been killed. And Guauna was dead. Medical workers said a single bullet had passed through his throat, silencing the singer, painter and aspiring lawyer. Whether stray round or deliberate shot, the townspeople got the message: Next time, let the guerrillas win.

Rebels with nothing to do: Saudi Arabian youth begin to act up

RIYADH A rebellion of the bored is being waged on the streets and highways of Saudi Arabia.

UK demands huge shake-up for Europe

Britain will propose revolutionary changes to the European Union today that could lead to the appointment of an influential new leader by prime ministers.

Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, will call for a drastic overhaul of the EU's decision-making bodies that would entrench the powers of governments and downgrade the European Commission's role.

Some EU governments, sidelined in the American-led war on terrorism and increasingly at odds with the foreign policies of President Bush, feel the need for a single voice to speak for Europe. In a keynote speech in The Hague, Mr Straw will argue for important changes to the way decisions are made.

Orthodox Jews Mass Protest Against the State of Israel

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