Monday, March 04, 2002

Lieberman: Action Against Iraq Might Start Secretly

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A leading Democrat said on Sunday that U.S. action against Baghdad might begin without notification to Congress to allow President Bush "to employ surprise in attacking or going against the leadership of Iraq."
Sen. Joseph Lieberman, a Connecticut Democrat and former vice presidential candidate, criticized the Bush administration for generally failing to consult enough with members of Congress in the ongoing war against terrorism, telling CBS's "Face the Nation" program: "The administration could at this point do a better job of involving members of Congress in some of the discussions about where the war is going."
But Lieberman made a blunt distinction with regards to Iraq and efforts to overturn President Saddam Hussein. Bush's recent declaration of Iraq, Iran and North Korea as an "axis of evil" bent on pursuing weapons of mass destruction fueled speculation the U.S. administration would act next against Saddam, whose regime survived the U.S.-led 1991 Gulf War.

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