Monday, March 04, 2002

Shifting blame

In "The World According to George Bush," Bill Clinton's sins include the latest Israeli–Palestinian killing spree.
That jaw–dropping incrimination of Clinton came last week from the mouth of Ari Fleischer, the president's acid–tongued Machiavellian press secretary.
Fleischer summed up his assessment of Clinton's considerable, even monumental if failed efforts to get a peace agreement thusly:
"Actually, I think if you go back to when the violence began, you can make the case that in an attempt to shoot the moon and get nothing, more violence resulted, (and) that as a result of an attempt to push the parties beyond where they were willing to go, that it led to expectations that were raised to such a high level that it turned into violence."
Such long–winded rationalizations and denouncements apparently pass for critical thinking in the Bush White House.
Fleischer, and by extension his boss, have conveniently concluded that Clinton bears the blame for the current violence because he expended TOO MUCH effort trying to get the two sides to make peace.

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