Thursday, August 29, 2002


OPPOSITION to Britain joining America in an attack on Iraq has leapt in just a few months.

A poll of Labour voters shows 52 per cent against, compared with 46 per cent four months ago.

And half of ALL voters across the country oppose military action to remove Saddam Hussein's regime, with just 33 per cent in favour. The ICM survey also reveals that 52 per cent of all voters believe President Bush's drive to topple Saddam is wrong. It rises to 55 per cent among Labour voters.

The latest poll for The Guardian, in which 1,003 adults were quizzed, comes just weeks after a Daily Mirror study among our readers revealed opposition to a war against Iraq was 91.17 per cent. In one of our largest-ever phone votes, just 2,358 thought the US should blitz Iraq while over 27,000 said No.

Yesterday, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw insisted that no decision had been taken on a military offensive.

He said Saddam could avoid an attack by re-admitting weapons inspectors.

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