Thursday, August 22, 2002

Brainwashing America

The puppet Bush regime is using new, aggressive forms of brainwashing to change the very way Americans think and feel.
This is the psychological dimension of the "High Cabal's" general onslaught against American workers, just as the "war on terrorism" is the military dimension and corporate crime and tax cuts for the rich comprise the economic dimension.

We are living under the beginning stages of a military dictatorship in precisely the same way that 1930s Germans suffered under the Nazi regime.

As in the case of Nazi Germany, state-sponsored propaganda (brainwashing) is a vital part of the Bush regime's strategy.

New propaganda slogans are being overtly and subliminally implanted by Bush and his gang through their speeches and actions:

dissent is treason

Constitutional liberties are less important than security

the "war on terrorism" excuses any attack on civil liberties

the Bush administration has the right and the duty to bring about "regime change" in any nation it chooses

the economy is basically sound

only a few bad apples are found in the corporate barrel, which requires no new oversight laws

if Bush and Cheney say they're not guilty of corporate crimes, then believe it and shut up

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