Saturday, July 06, 2002

Cabinet in arms to Israel row

Britain is bypassing its own arms embargo on Israel by selling military equipment via America.
In a move that has split the Cabinet, the Foreign Office is set to reveal that components for F16 fighter planes will be allowed to leave the country despite being destined for aircraft already sold to Ariel Sharon's government.

The move will be viewed with dismay by Arab states and anti-arms campaigners who say the arming of Israel raises tension in the area. One senior Government figure said there was a 'clear understanding' the fighter planes could be used for aggressive acts against the Occupied Territories, in direct contradiction to Tony Blair's call for peace.

Israel regularly uses F16s for assaults on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. They have been used in attacks on Rafah and the Palestinian securty compound in Nablus, killing civilians.

Government sources admitted the issue was 'delicate' and that rules on sales to embargoed countries via third countries were vague. One said the charge of hypocrisy would be 'difficult to head off'.

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