Tuesday, July 09, 2002


Washington, D.C. – On the day President Bush will address Wall Street, American Family Voices will launch a television advertisement saying Bush and his economic team promising to crackdown on corporate America is like letting the fox guard the henhouse.

The ad, which will begin running tomorrow in Washington, D.C., and New York, NY, notes that President Bush played a key role at Harken Energy, which used Enron style accounting to hide losses, while Bush was selling out at a profit. Vice President Cheney, the advertisement notes, was CEO of Halliburton, which used more Enron-style accounting and is currently being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. And Harvey Pitt was the accounting industry’s top lawyer before taking the helm at the SEC.

Text of the American Family Voices television ad: (Video/audio copies of the ad itself are available by contacting the Glover Park Group at 202/337-0808.)

"Remember the saying about foxes guarding the henhouse…well guess what’s happening in Washington.

President Bush says he’s getting tough on corporate fraud. But look at the record:

Bush played a key role at Harken Energy – they used Enron style accounting to hide losses…

Bush sold out early.

The Bush team?

Dick Cheney was CEO of Halliburton …more Enron-style accounting.

And Harvey Pitt – the accounting industry’s top lawyer.

Bush thinks tough talk can hide the record…that’s sly – like a fox."

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