Friday, March 01, 2002

On Tom Daschle's Fight with the right on our justification for letting loose the dogs of war:

Looking at the sales numbers for Michael Moore's new book "Stupid White Men" makes me think that Tom Daschle is on *exactly* the right track when he questions this so-called 'President's' actions across the world. Universally in nations free and prosperous or poor and disenfranchised this current government has been condemned like no other in world history. Even Nazi Germany did not recieve as much condemnation as this nation has in this day and age. Yet television media continues to convey a message of 'business as usual' while the world's and the U.S.'s economy suffers and this country and the world's peoples are fleeced blind by what many feel is an illegitimate and illegal administration. I feel that as a citizen in the most powerful country on this planet that we have a real obligation as citizens to make sure that our military might is used in as responsible a manner as possible, and to make doubly sure that the american public is included in the debate on how that military power is used in defeating so-called 'evil' nations. I see nothing in this administration at all that indicates that they have any interest whatsoever on including the rank-and-file american citizen in the debate on how this country proceeds in spreading worldwide peace. Instead they spread worldwide war with little or no justification at all and claim to speak for rank and file America when in fact they clearly do not. I say, as I know a true majority of americans feel, if we are to be at a perpetual state of war, prove to us the reason for this in no uncertain terms *why* we should be at this state. Give us the reasons. No Corpus Delectum, no war. No suspension of personal liberties, no shenanigans that have existed since this administration has been in power. In light of the way this administration plays it's cards so close to it's chest, I say enough and make them legitimize every nut, bolt and screw they feel they need to use, whatever the reason. If this is truly a democracy and not a plutocracy, which it seems to inarguably be more and more each day, let them bow to the will of the people of this country and include them in the debate by not hiding behind legal double-talk and manufactured mumbo-jumbo. If they are truly Americans, and not corporate lapdogs out for a quick buck, they owe us this much. Americans and citizens of the world both. Are you listening George, Dick and Ari? You do not speak for us and never have. Let the will of the people of this country be heard, and heard loudly the world over. Justify this war or cease to prosecute it.

-- Michael H; American Patriot and proud of it.

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