Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Yeah, so another farkin' day in the dull, boring cat-ate-my-shorts city of Seattle. Somebody drive an icepick through my brain *please*.
I spent part of the day posting for jobs in the worst economy since the great depression, playing with my cats, and surfing the net before running away screaming at all the news and history being made today. Bad, bad, all bad. Remember this one, burn it into your brain, never forget it: 'Those Who Fail To Learn From History's Mistakes Are Doomed To Repeat Them." Rinse, repeat. I truly think we are in one of the low points of human history, you know, the one where in the future they all look back and think. "Wow, did the entire country have like some bad bowel blockage of the mind or something?" Me, I think it's all the food additives and pollutants that have leached into the soil over the years of poor stewardship. It's all coming back to haunt us. Seriously, have you seen what the population looks like these days? We're all either fat as hogs or if they're teens (girls, specifically) they have these weird little bird like legs, paunchy guts and vacous, dull expressions. Then again, has anyone seen the inside of a school cafeteria lately? Hormones in the food, soda machines every five feet, advertising for 'crap o' the day' everywhere you turn. How are kids supposed to get a decent education with distractions like that around? I weep for tomorrow.
I used to be worried about one of these walking chemical landfills being my boss, but my guess is with all the anti-depressents wrongfully prescribed, hormone-saturated food, bad education and poor healthcare they'll be lucky to make it past thirty. Through no fault of their own, mind you, who could fend off a constant marketing assault 24-7 like people are being subjected to these days? As for me, I finally just said 'To Hell With It' and cut off the cable TV. Let me repeat that so you can recover. I Cut Off My Cable TV. My hair didn't fall out, my vision improved, I can actually follow a conversation (and contribute to it.) Most important of all. I actually read to obtain information. Yes. Read to obtain information. Scary, I'n it? Now, the few times I bother to turn on the telly anymore I am almost instantly repulsed by how shallow and vacous it is. No more shallow Faux News commentary. No MSNBC blather. No local news boobs and press poodles (yap, yap, yap, yap, yappity-yap) Bliss. Serenity. A Higher Place. All because I shut off the boob tube. No more tabloid shows. No 'reality TV' (reality? Is it reality to be shut up inside a lucite box with a nest of scorpians for a few bucks?) No nonsense.
Well, okay, theres But I just browse, I just browse! Nuthin the matter with jus' browsin. Move along now, nothing to see here. . .

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