You can read Greg's story here:
Sorry I sent that one back to you, I saw the story in
'Bushwatch' (something that you should really
subscribe to if you haven't already) and missed
reading it. I should have come back to read that
article, very important indeed. I don't know if
you've read Greg Palast's stuff, but he's very, very
good at what he does, in other words being a
dependable, muckraking journalist.
I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but there really
is no point in anyone believing there is any hope for
change in this country, democrat or repugnican. When
you think of both parties, a more accurate description
would be 'ultra-conservative' and 'conservative'.
Third partys? Not in this lifetime. As Doctor Smith
would say in 'Lost in Space' "Doomed, we're all
Oh, and if you vote by absentee ballot, you will
notice the requirement to state party affiliation so
they can more quickly screen who they do and do not
want to accept votes from. Welcome to an Orwellian
Amerika. Also, these absentee ballots are counted by
a 'central tabulator' with all the faults that occur
in the touch-screen machines that are so
controversial. In other words, the central tabulator
is 'fixable' with back-door access to manipulate votes
and no means of detecting whether that vote is fixed
or not.
As for me, you can see my sentiments with the
attached poster. I may go out and start posting it on
lampposts for all the good it will do in this MTV
generation u.s.
Have you been watching the New York protests?
Ineffectual comes to mind. I've been keeping track on
the NY Indymedia website as well. Those who are out
there protesting are just shouting inside an empty
room. Nobody's home. They don't seem to realize the
era of marching sock puppets around died with the
sixties and when people see that now they may as well
be watching a civil war re-enactment.
My feeling is they would be much more effective in a
'guerilla warfare' environment where they put on
business suits, got haircuts, and started their own
lobbying organizations. It wouldn't hurt if they
started reading republican literature on how to be
effective in local and national governemnt. I don't
like the republicans at all, but they have certainly
put a lot of thought into how to take over a country.
The CIA and Special Forces weren't afraid to read Che
Guevara's 'Guerilla Warfare', and ultimatly that's how
they got him. Perhaps it's time the left did the same
when it comes to reaching out to the public and
pulling them in where it counts.
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