Tuesday, April 16, 2002

PRESS RELEASE: Deaths of Palestinian civilians continue

(The Palestine Monitor), April 15th, 2002: Since Israeli troops invaded Palestinian towns and cities on March the 29th, the civilian population has suffered and come under attack. Scores of people have been killed and injured; civilians trapped in their own homes by the soldiers are the sad casualties of the Israeli aggression.

Rana Sa’id Karajeh, a 26-year-old mother was killed yesterday in Bethlehem. She was killed when Israeli soldiers making house-to-house searches in the area blew-up the door of her apartment, normal Israeli military policy when going from building to building. Dr. Peter Qumri of Al-Hussein Governmental Hospital said that when she was brought to the hospital the "whole top of her head had been torn off by the blast, and her eyes were missing".

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