Monday, April 01, 2002

Israeli Atrocities Against Palestinian Civilians Continue

One human rights activist released a statement saying that a witness had reported that the men had been separated into two groups, one group that was meant to be arrested and another that was meant to be executed. This report has not been confirmed by other sources as of yet.

However, reports of Israeli soldiers firing at civilians have been confirmed. A Palestinian man was shot in the stomach when Israeli soldiers entered his home to search. One doctor reported that a Palestinian man executed yesterday had his head smashed in.

There have also been reports of a mass execution of Palestinian security forces. Al-Jazeera satellite station reported that at least 30 Palestinian security force members were executed in Ramallah on Sunday.

This report has not yet been confirmed, but Israeli forces are also blocking access to the area in which the massacre was believed to have occurred.

In addition to the threat of execution, arrest, and searches, Palestinian civilians are now facing the real threat of a water and food shortage. Israeli sources report that the tanks have run over several major water mains in the city. Families are unable to leave their homes to buy necessities. Reports are that the Israeli soldiers have orders to ‘shoot to kill.’

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