Saturday, April 06, 2002

Flashpoints News Radio

Saturday Apr 6, 2002 - Start Audio
-00:00 Dennis Bernstein ongoing coverage on the slaughter going on in the West Bank.. the BBC reporting heavy fighting going in Jenin.. residents fear a massacre is taking place.. fierce clashes in Nablus.. now w Adam Shapiro in Ramallah.. Adam: army said men, women, and children have to come out of Balata and Jenin refugee camps with their hands up.. the Israelis demolishing homes with people inside.. Red Cross says catastrophic.. Balata one of the most packed refugee camp, 1 kilometer square, 15,000 people live there.. there are fighters in the camps, there to defend the camps.. using old rifles, Israelis using tanks, shelling.. they are indescriminate.. now w Abu Salam Al-Sayat: a lot happening.. they are surrounding Balata with tanks, they warn the loudspeakers the people to come out with a white flag over their heads, no one came out.. THEY ARE NOW DESTROYING THE HOUSES WITH THE PEOPLE INSIDE.. I am 150 meters from the camp.. they are using tanks, 6 heliocopters over the camp.. 20-30,000 residents.. (noise of tanks in background).. I see a lot of smoking houses.. 25-30 tanks, 4 heliocopters.. attacking everyone in the camps.. I have a small video camera.. but no international media here.. yesterday I was video taping from the roof, they started shooting at the roof.. the old city of Nablus, very big, big as Jerusalem.. the soldiers have not entered yet.. 35 people killed in the old city of Nablus.. 60 people buried in the ruins.. they can not be rescued.. Dennis: US weaponry being turned on camps.. Adam: the attack on Jenin the same.. they ordered the people out and when no one came out, they started destroying the camp.. just a last few minutes we started hearing shooting.. explosions all day, the Education Building on fire.. ambulances are prevented from moving.. people bleeding to death in the streets.. downtown Ramallah looks like Beruit in 1982.. rubble and glass everywhere.. all windows broken.. Dennis: internationals tried to form a human shield for an ambulance, carrying a sign referencing the 4th Geneva Convention.. turned back with tear gas and sound bombs, unable to reach the Church.. Adam: reports from the Zinni meeting with Arafat.. Zinni tried to get Arafat to sign a truce.. but Israel escalates.. TIME FOR AN INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING FORCE.. Abu Salam: more tanks are coming.. no one is surrendering.. the attack is starting again, can you hear?.. many houses on fire.. a densely populated camp, 1 kilometer square with 40,000 people normally, more crowded than Cairo (sounds of automatic shooting).. Abu Salam: a huge fire in the camp.. Dennis: the US has supplied the tanks, the heliocopters for this ongoing slaughter, your tax dollars at work.. Adam: people may be wondering why people are not coming out.. in 1948, and 1967 the Isreali forced people out of their homes, into the West Bank and Gaza, and Lebanon and beyond.. they have decided they will flee no more..
-26:00 Dennis: now w Sam Bahour in Ramallah.. Sam: the media has been reduced so much, only a small percentage of what is happening.. Jenin is facing a massacre.. a phone message from someone in Jenin.. Sam reads: heavy bombardment by tank and heliocopters.. wife and kids are screaming.. no water, no food.. where is the conscience of the world?.. tanks firing into the city, I can hear kids screaming everytime that happens.. Adam: Israel is claiming that this is defence, but this is obviously an offensive action.. END THE OCCUPATION, ABANDON THE SETTLEMENTS.. WE HAVE SEEN THIS KIND OF THING BEFORE.. WHERE IS THE UN, WHERE IS NATO?..
-31:29 end first audio segment

'>Saturday Apr 6, 2002 - Start Audio
-00:00 Dennis Bernstein ongoing coverage on the slaughter going on in the West Bank.. the BBC reporting heavy fighting going in Jenin.. residents fear a massacre is taking place.. fierce clashes in Nablus.. now w Adam Shapiro in Ramallah.. Adam: army said men, women, and children have to come out of Balata and Jenin refugee camps with their hands up.. the Israelis demolishing homes with people inside.. Red Cross says catastrophic.. Balata one of the most packed refugee camp, 1 kilometer square, 15,000 people live there.. there are fighters in the camps, there to defend the camps.. using old rifles, Israelis using tanks, shelling.. they are indescriminate.. now w Abu Salam Al-Sayat: a lot happening.. they are surrounding Balata with tanks, they warn the loudspeakers the people to come out with a white flag over their heads, no one came out.. THEY ARE NOW DESTROYING THE HOUSES WITH THE PEOPLE INSIDE.. I am 150 meters from the camp.. they are using tanks, 6 heliocopters over the camp.. 20-30,000 residents.. (noise of tanks in background).. I see a lot of smoking houses.. 25-30 tanks, 4 heliocopters.. attacking everyone in the camps.. I have a small video camera.. but no international media here.. yesterday I was video taping from the roof, they started shooting at the roof.. the old city of Nablus, very big, big as Jerusalem.. the soldiers have not entered yet.. 35 people killed in the old city of Nablus.. 60 people buried in the ruins.. they can not be rescued.. Dennis: US weaponry being turned on camps.. Adam: the attack on Jenin the same.. they ordered the people out and when no one came out, they started destroying the camp.. just a last few minutes we started hearing shooting.. explosions all day, the Education Building on fire.. ambulances are prevented from moving.. people bleeding to death in the streets.. downtown Ramallah looks like Beruit in 1982.. rubble and glass everywhere.. all windows broken.. Dennis: internationals tried to form a human shield for an ambulance, carrying a sign referencing the 4th Geneva Convention.. turned back with tear gas and sound bombs, unable to reach the Church.. Adam: reports from the Zinni meeting with Arafat.. Zinni tried to get Arafat to sign a truce.. but Israel escalates.. TIME FOR AN INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING FORCE.. Abu Salam: more tanks are coming.. no one is surrendering.. the attack is starting again, can you hear?.. many houses on fire.. a densely populated camp, 1 kilometer square with 40,000 people normally, more crowded than Cairo (sounds of automatic shooting).. Abu Salam: a huge fire in the camp.. Dennis: the US has supplied the tanks, the heliocopters for this ongoing slaughter, your tax dollars at work.. Adam: people may be wondering why people are not coming out.. in 1948, and 1967 the Isreali forced people out of their homes, into the West Bank and Gaza, and Lebanon and beyond.. they have decided they will flee no more..
-26:00 Dennis: now w Sam Bahour in Ramallah.. Sam: the media has been reduced so much, only a small percentage of what is happening.. Jenin is facing a massacre.. a phone message from someone in Jenin.. Sam reads: heavy bombardment by tank and heliocopters.. wife and kids are screaming.. no water, no food.. where is the conscience of the world?.. tanks firing into the city, I can hear kids screaming everytime that happens.. Adam: Israel is claiming that this is defence, but this is obviously an offensive action.. END THE OCCUPATION, ABANDON THE SETTLEMENTS.. WE HAVE SEEN THIS KIND OF THING BEFORE.. WHERE IS THE UN, WHERE IS NATO?..
-31:29 end first audio segment

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