Monday, April 01, 2002

Around the Clock Coverage from Occupied Palistine

Latest Update: Explosions near Arafat’s office; top official warns of a massacre; residents reports on dead bodies in the streets; Israeli soldier killed; explosion in Jerusalem wounds three. Details Inside..

Editor's Note: The will keep you updated around the clock. This report will be regularly updated with news as they happen. Make sure to refresh the page for newer updates.

Around the Clock Update:

Nablus and Jenin (9: 15 GMT): News sources indicated that Israeli forces are surrounding two Palestinian cities in the West Bank, Nablus and Jenin. Residents of both towns are bracing for an Israeli assault later tonight.

Ramallah (8: 30 GMT): Three explosions were heard near the Presidential headquarters in Ramallah. The source of the explosions remains unknown. The PA Preventative Security forces headquarters in Ramallah is also under Israeli army shelling and a tight siege.

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