Monday, March 04, 2002

Arafat's Words: 'A Push From Outside'

Q. Do you think it is possible that this initiative can move forward under Prime Minister Sharon?
A. The most important thing that this has been accepted by the Europeans, by the Russians, by the Americans and that President Bush is in contact with Prince Abdullah and he is sending his adviser to America to be in permanent contact with the Americans concerning that initiative.

Q. So you're optimistic that something can begin with this?
A. Yes we hope so. We hope so. Especially since until now the peace process had faced very difficult circumstances.

Q. Have the Americans been as constructive as they could have been?
A. No doubt, and not to forget the peace process started through the initiative which had been declared by Bush the father at the Madrid conference, and we hope that President Bush his son will complete this very international, historical initiative.

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