On Bush's Sabre-Ratteling Speech
I'll be frank, I don't like Bush or anything he stands for, I think he's a few bricks shy of Adolf Hitler and the European community, the middle east, the Philipines and pretty much the rest of the free world seems to think so too. At this point the World Trade Organization is threatening the U.S. with 4 billion dollars in fines for unfair trade practices, threatening to fine Israel for property damage in the Palestinian lands for property destroyed in their genocidal assault against the Palestinians, NATO is considering building up a stronger military to counter the 'unilateralism' of the U.S. which has clearly gotten way out of control, the Saudis want our military out of their country, in the Philipines the population is threatening a revolt because they don't want U.S. troops in their country, since *before* Bush was in office North and South Korea have been trying to reconcile their differences, then as soon as he got into office he was trumpeting North Korea as the new 'evil empire'. If any of you have *really* done any research on North Korea, you'll soon find out they're too poor to even fuel vehicles in their own military, which sit on the sides of public highways rusting from lack of use. Bush has also talked about a 'missle threat' from North Korea, this is non-existent as well. Here's some info on how dangerous North Korea is http://cns.miis.edu/research/korea/index.htm / http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/dprk/index.html While we're at it, lets look at Iraq and Iran too. http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/iran/index.html / http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/iraq/index.html . Iraq is beaten, bloody, and starving. Not a very dangerous scarecrow. Especially if Saudi Arabia is asking our military to get the hell out of the middle east. If Iraq is so dangerous now, why are they asking the U.S. to leave? Iran's political situation now is that they're sliding back towards a more democratic society and away from the conservatiism of Khomeni. http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/ops/iraq.htm Clearly, this guy is doing nothing but provoking World War III, and in this case, if things continue the way they are, in this World War *this* country is going to be the 'evil empire' / Nazi Germany that the rest of the world is going to counter. If you've just been a fence sitter and occasionally turned on CNN or worse, FOX news, I encourage you to start reading the news on the internet from sources such as The Guardian (U.K.), BBC, check out Buzzflash, the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe and perhaps check out Pravda (with a grain of salt), The Irish Times, and start avoiding U.S. television news, it's too sensationalistic and propagandized and at this point isn't far off from getting your news from the National Enquirer. Don't be easily lead. Don't just accept things as they are. Question these idiots, question their excuses for this so-called war and if you do you'll soon find that there is no real excuse for it at all other than a quest for more oil to fatten their already overly bloated stock portfolios. While you're at it, question their excuses for subsidizing our bloated, poorly performing corporations and our subsidized economy. I hate to say it, but our best hope right now is if the European community continues to stand up to our country and enlists other developed countries to get on board and counter the last remaining *true* evil empire. This country and it's people have a lot of waking up to do, but at this point everyone seems to be happily slumbering away to oblivion. I know all of this seems a bit much, and perhaps a bit hard to believe, but check out the sources for yourself. http://www.antiwar.com/ These links are to news sites all over the world, including many conventional sources like the Washington Post, New York Times, many British newspapers, etc. Also look at the archives section as well. This may sound like chicken little screaming the sky is falling, but if you look things over carefully you'll see that it's all too true. A year ago the world was, for the most part at peace. Now our country is pushing the rest of the world into World War III, and it seems that the rest of the world is starting to push back. Just for kicks, check out all the stories at Antiwar com, print out some of them, put them off to the side and come back to them six months from now and see how the world has changed. My guess is that six months from now our country will become more isolated and cut off from the rest of the world and we will become the world's pariah. With us or against us? The free world seems to be stating quite clearly 'We Are Against You, pull your arrogant heads out of your asses and grow up.' Meanwhile our news media trumpets how 'good we are, how virtous we are, go out and do more shopping'. I have no faith in our so-called representatives to help us, nor do I have faith in our populace. We may as well be sheep watching as we are fleeced.
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