More Updates and Stuff: My finances suck. Life During Weekend: Friday night rent some videos, check out Bottleworks in Wallingford and pick up some really cool foriegn brewskis, Saturday see 'Metropolis' the really cool japanese anime' that should have been dubbed instead of subtitled as it distracts the viewer from some really cool animation. Maybe next time. . . Saturday afternoon it snowed, then snowed some more and more and more. Unfortunatly it didn't snow enough to get out of work on Monday morning. . . . Saturday evening and Sunday were spent getting Windows XP off of my computer, it's such a repulsive and fucked up OS I'm firmly in the Linux camp now and learning more day by day. I wish only the worst for MS crapware. . . . Sunday night I stayed up till almost midnight playing 'Medal of Honor Allied Assault' before getting up at 3 AM to drive to work. Halfway there I was passed by a State Patrol car and saw him slide around on icy pavement farther down the freeway near six cars on the side of the freeway. When I arrived on the scene my car began to slide too, but I caught it and corrected and continued to work at a much reduced speed.
Monday was, as usual, another day in hell. No need to go into that further.
As I do every day, I read and re-read the news and every day more and more I see this country sliding further and further into a mindless, brain-dead oblivion. Now it's Enron. A while back it was Cheney's refusal to co-operate with the General Accounting Office. Now he's trying to convince the media that the GAO gave up their investigation against him earlier because they acknowledged that he was a 'really nice guy'. Bullshit. There is so much blatant corruption and toadying in this current administration they should just throw them all in leg irons and march them off to a life in solitary confinement. Bush's 'poppy' too, as well as that senile ass Reagen. Over the last week the European Union is beginning to stand up to these republican bastards, it's ironic that our own senators and congresspeople cannot do what foreign governments can. Maybe they're intimidated by 'corporate mafia' types. Bush and company = Corporate Mafia/Career Corporate Criminals
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