Wednesday, February 27, 2002

End the corporate shakedown of America

February 25, 2002—While the government has been distracting the masses with frenzied flag-waving and cries of "praise the lord!" the shafting of America has been continuing apace.

The NY Times, still in the process of rediscovering itself and finding that it's not supposed to act as a cheerleader for the administration, ran an article last Monday (2/18/02) that related that the latest hot "megatrend" among the big corporations is to file papers of incorporation in Bermuda and other overseas havens, and save a fortune in taxes. Among other examples cited in the piece (written by David Cay Johnson) are the following:

Stanley Works saves $30 million a year in taxes; Ingersoll-Rand saves $40 million a year in taxes (estimated);

Tyco saves $400 million a year in taxes

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