Thursday, February 28, 2002

Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative

Alexandria, Va.: I'm a big believer that the "vast right wing conspiracy" is a lame defense used by Hillary Clinton and her left wing, liberal friends to excuse the deplorable behavior of her husband. Do you have any "inside" info on this supposed "conspiracy?"

David Brock: Hillary Clinton was right that there was well-organized, heavily financed right-wing conspiracy that was determined to drive Clinton from office. In the book, I write quite a bit about how the conspiracy worked from the inside, because I was recruited into it by a financier of Newt Gingrich's GOPAC during the 1992 presidential campaign. The conspiracy came to center on the Paula Jones sexual harassment suit; her key legal adviser admitted to me in a private conversation that he did not believe Jones but wanted to use her allegations as a way of setting a perjury trap for Clinton. I think if you read the book you'll see that the right-wing conspiracy is laid out in such detail that it is hard to deny.

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