So here I am, 4th of July, big whoop, celebrating a country that every hour of every day is becoming less free and less supportive of freedom by the moment. Every middle or lower class worker has lesser and lesser freedoms and protection from tyranny than they did a moment before. Not an hour, not a day, not a month not a year, but a moment. Think about that. Each of us as individuals are just trying to get by in our day to day lives, trying to squeeze some happiness out of whatever free time we have to ourselves, yet our corporate and governmental masters think this is too much. In other countrys around the world they have shorter work weeks, more holidays, better pay and better living conditions and yet the United States is supposed to be 'The paragon of democracy and freedom'. Horseshit. Horseshit, horseshit, horseshit. Call a stalinist construct what it is, but do not lead others on with the clearly transparent lie that the United States is a 'wunnerful, wunnerful place'. 'Cause it just ain't so.
I learned the hard way myself that depending on unemployment if you're fired from a job under questionable circumstances on the employer's part will work in your favor. It won't. You'll be screwed and you will not have any income. You Will Be Cast Adrift. Excommunicated.
Trust No One. Be True Only To Yourself. Accept No One's Nostrums. 'Oh, democrats/liberalism is good for you. Oh, Republicans/conservatism is good for you.' Horseshit. Always remember this: United We Stand, Divided We Fall. Which party is preaching hardest and longest this divisive and destructive philosophy? It ain't the 'monsters under the bed' liberals. It's the sleazy used care salesmen known as republicans/corporatists/fascists. To believe in them is to be played for a sucker. Why do they hate freedom so much? Why do they hate the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence? Why do they hate our right to privacy? In this whole cocked up bullshit 'War on Terror/War on Drugs' what real and clear victories have they won for us as citizens in our own country? What freedoms and rights have they usurped and told us they have no intention of giving back for a very, very long time in their absolute bald-faced lie of totalitarianism they are shoving down american's (and everyone else's throats)?
To them and their supporters I have nothing but the utmost dirision and rejection and sincere and clear wish for their failure. They are a cancer on humanity, civilization and everything that is decent and right and just that has and will ever exist.
1 comment:
I usually get this way on the 4th too. I'm one of those kids the university supposedly brainwashes into being a radical. Funny, I didn't about politics by getting the polisci degree. I learned from hunter Thompson a lot.
We must regain each other's trust on the community level to soften the blow of the coming collapse. Building community's based on free association and working together tribally is really the only hope us civilized folks have.
note me back "if you want to,
if you want to
I'm checking em out
I'm checking em out"
Have you got it figured out?
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