So, in yesterday's post I was contemplating how in spite of the violence of modern warfare, the body counts coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan seem unusually low. There's a reason for that:We're Being Lied To!
Part of what the story discusses is how the Marines don't really tell much of anything, and the Army trys to tell as little as possible. One of the points touched on is that our government has not told anyone about how many soldiers have died after they have left the battlefield from wounds sustained in action. It is true that body armor protects the head and torso, but with IED (Improvised Explosive Devices) it is very conceivable that those soldiers who have their torsos and heads protected still have vulnerable arms and legs and lower abdomens still very vulnerable. There is also little press about the injuries sustained from concussion when explosives go off in close proximity to troops. From what little press I've seen, the most common injuries are those to the brain from concussion, which has left soldiers with severe brain injuries resulting in headaches, depression leading to suicide, impaired mental functioning, etc. But the bottom line is, whether a soldier is killed in action or loses their life while waiting in a hospital or recovers with missing limbs or cognitive impairment, their life is very much over. And no one can tell me that this administration, with it's aggresive cutting away of veteran's benefits is going to be willing to help these people or their families once they come home.
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