Tuesday, May 21, 2002

''The resurrection of Dr. Strangelove bodes ill for Cuba''

Witnessing the unfolding of present-day events is like watching something out of a grade-B, Hollywood, science-fiction horror flick, a lá Dr. Strangelove. However, the truly frightening part is that it's not a movie. The main character is a xeno- and ideophobic, hyperparanoid, power-hungry, self-delusional, trigger-happy leader run amok. He and his administrative warriors have convinced themselves that they have the right to launch nuclear missiles from their huge arsenal of weapons of mass destruction not only in response to a chemical or biological attack, but also (more shockingly) in first, "pre-emptive" strikes against nations who are allegedly plotting terrorist attacks against their country. After all, according to their logic, nuclear bombs are really no different from conventional weapons. Besides, with its high-tech wizardry, know-how, and precision, their military would easily be able to minimize the consequences of nuclear fallout.

Welcome to the wonderful world of George W. Bush, et al.

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