Thursday, March 28, 2002

The war that destroyed America

March 20, 2002—In a maddening repetition of history, the young war-fighters of the United States, along with those of its coalition partners, find themselves in battle with an amorphous opponent in a global counter-insurgency campaign managed by paranoid policy makers who see themselves as the enlightened sons of God. As the illegitimate and extremist government of the United States prepares to expend another generation of its youth for power, money and resources thousands of kilometers from home, they are negligently and criminally allowing the infrastructure, health and welfare of the United States to deteriorate.

As America wages World War III against its 21st century barbarians—the Taliban and Al Qaeda (the Visigoths and Huns?)—in a war that may well see the use of nuclear weapons, the American Empire seems doomed to duplicate the concluding events of 476 A.D. And it's not Al Qaeda's 5,000 militants that will destroy the USA, it's the current "selected" government that will sacrifice the future of the world's greatest experiment in freedom on the altar of fascism.

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