Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Denied Press Credentials, Web Site Bombards Senate Daily Gallery Staff

A popular conservative Web publication has launched a full-court PR attack on the Senate Daily Press Gallery for denying its application for credentials.
WorldNetDaily, which dubs itself "the Internet's leading independent newssite," was denied credentials in February after the gallery's standing committee of correspondents spent a year vetting the application. The committee will hear WND's appeal of the decision at an April 15 hearing.

WND CEO and Editor Joseph Farah said that if the publication doesn't get its way on April 15, there will be court action.

"No question about it," he said. "There's not a doubt in my mind that we will get accredited one way or another."

Since WND received word last month that it had been turned down, the site has kept up a steady drumbeat of criticism of the press gallery, railing against the "government-media cabal" and pointing out that the gallery admits foreign, state-owned publications. It also has encouraged readers to send protest e-mails to gallery staff.

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